Bronze Dragon, A Riders of Fire prequel novelette Page 8
Dragon Tales
Whether you’re looking for a nip, a nibble, or a chomp-sized story, wing your way to an adventure with Dragon Tales.
Find a dragon in your desk, your toilet, under your bed or gift-wrapped under the Christmas tree. And fly on dragonback for fun and adventure.
Suds and Scales
“Get in that bath,” Mom insisted. “You’re dirtier than a worm in a mud puddle and smellier than dad’s gym shoes.”
I stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door. What was wrong with a bit of dirt? It was all natural, no additives and definitely no refined sugar – another thing Mom was always going on about.
I was only going to get dirty again tomorrow.
Peeling off my sweaty socks, I tucked them in the cabinet behind the shampoo, instead of in the hamper. Hopefully Mom wouldn’t sniff them out – I only had one pair of socks in my team’s color and I needed them for my football game tomorrow.
Mom rapped on the door. “I can’t hear the water running.”
Sighing, I turned on the faucet.
“Use soap,” she called. “No cheating.”
I tipped some liquid soap into the bath. Soap was evil, but if I had to use it, I might as well have bubbles.
When the water was deep and sudsy, I dumped my clothes on the floor and got in. Wrinkling my nose at the floral stench, I looked down. There were so many bubbles, I looked like a corpse-less ghost, or an alien with froth for a body.
“It’s not fair,” I moaned. “Why should I have to wash every day?”
The toilet seat clunked.
I turned so fast, a mini tsunami sloshed onto the floor.
Nothing was there – except the clothes I’d dropped and the water I’d spilt. Nothing that could’ve made the toilet clunk. And now my underpants were swimming happily in the aftermath of my tidal wave.
I lifted my right knee above the water and scrubbed it with the washcloth.
I whirled back. Oops, another flood.
Before my eyes, a long claw slid between the toilet seat and lid.
My heart thudded, like I was running for goal.
Two more claws reached over the edge. A scaly limb slithered out and flung the lid open with a crash. Another taloned limb grasped the seat. With a grunt, a dripping head emerged from the toilet!
“Whoa!” I yelled, as a little dragon clambered out and perched on the seat. It was green with baby-blue eyes and had an odd crest sticking up on its head. Luckily I had lots of bubbles or that dragon would have seen too much.
“I heard you yell,” called Mom. “What’s going on in there?”
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Thank you so much to Ash Rachel for the inspiration for this story. Ash loved Dragon Hero so much that we decided Hans’ story needed to be told too. We had a lot of fun brainstorming!
Thanks to Cheeribye from Aotearoa for naming Thunderfoot, and to Karen from Golden Bay for naming Alfie.
Readers make every story come to life, so thanks for your trust in me and for your vivid imagination. I hope you enjoyed this adventure. There are many more Riders of Fire adventures to come. Find out about them here.
Bronze Dragon has benefitted from the eagle eyes of Alicia, Charlotte and Kevin. Thank you for your enthusiasm for Hans and Handel’s story. Thanks to my family for yet more makeshift dinners and many more hours of me in my office, writing. I couldn’t create cool worlds like Dragons’ Realm without your support. Yes, that’s you, Kurt and kids!
About Eileen
Eileen Mueller is a double SJV award-winning author of heart-pounding fantasy novels that will keep you turning the page. Dive into her worlds, full of magic, love, adventure and dragons! Eileen lives in New Zealand, in a cave, with four dragonets and a shape shifter, writing for young adults, children and everyone who loves adventure.
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